Digital transformation - what exactly does it mean?
Is s new website with basic online shopping digital transformation? What does it even mean?

The vast majority of companies have a desire to take advantage of the latest digital opportunities. But buzzwords like "Mobile First", "Internet of Things", "Artifical Intelligence" and "Microservice Architecture" spark the debate and in themselves say very little useful.
Try to dwell on the word "transformation" - a change from one state to another. The term digital transformation covers at least as much of your mindset and strategy as it does technology.
Have you thought about what changes you want? And why?
The main purposes of Raymeon's digital solutions are:
- to give your business a strong product presentation online
- to achieve a mobile-friendly presence online
- better self-service opportunities for your customers
- to give your customers a great experience, whether online or offline
- to allow you to operate in multiple sales channels with one homogeneous IT solution
- an easy and efficient daily life for your employees
- to give you a deeper insight into your business
- to reduce your risks, especially in the warehouse and on debtors
- to provide you with a digital platform that lets you scale the business effortlessly
Here's how to move on
If any of the above coincides with some of the thoughts you've had about the changes you would like to see, then we'd love to talk to you and showcase Nexus.
Book an online demonstration - it's free and informal, and the purpose is to provide you with information so that you can assess whether Nexus could be for your business.