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At any time you can set your cookie preferences by opening this window again. You can find the link in the footer of this page under the link “My cookie preferences”.

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We employ Google Analytics as well as other Google services to collect information about how you and other visitors are using our web pages and system. We are trying to analyse this data to get a feel for what you find interesting so that we may deliver more interesting content for you. It is not an exact science, but we do try our best.


We employ Facebook pixel as well as other Meta services to collect information about how you and other visitors are using our web pages and system. We are trying to analyse this data to get a feel for what you find interesting so that we may deliver more interesting content for you. It is not an exact science, but we do try our best.


With this type of cookies we are attempting to make your use of the web pages and system simple and faster. We do this by trying to remember how you prefer to experience and use the web pages and system.
Accellerate your B2B e-commerce with Raymeon Nexus

Accellerate your B2B e-commerce with Raymeon Nexus

With Raymeon Nexus you can build a detailled and presentable online product catalog with options for advanced B2B e-commerce and all the tools necessary to handle customers, orders, sales, purchasing and stock efficiently - in a cloud solution that you can configure and operate yourself.

With Nexus you will also be minimising your manual processes and steer clear of a host of complex sub-systems, which you would otherwise be struggling to keep in sync. And because of the user friendliness of Nexus and the included support from Raymeon, you will also steer clear of expensive IT consultants.

Nexus can work with all accounting systems. So you do not have to start by making a decision to replace your current system.

All you need to decide is if you want to be more efficient and grow your business.

Dedicated platforms for B2B and B2C

Dedicated platforms for B2B and B2C

If your focus is on B2B e-commerce and corporate clients then Nexus is all you need to conduct sales. If you are also pursuing retail then you can expand your Nexus with Orbit - an independant B2C e-commerce platform, that integrates very closely with Nexus, and which is designed to meet the expectations of private consumers when it comes to online commerce.

Even though the needs and user behaviour between professionals and private consumers increasingly are merging, we believe that there are distinct difference in the required properties for B2B e-commerce (and B2C, respectively), for an online electronic commerce platform to be optimally suited for purpose.

By expanding Nexus with Orbit you will gain a true multi-channel sales solution.

Connect your store locations to the cloud with Raymeon Glow.

Connect your store locations to the cloud with Raymeon Glow.

Whether you run your stores as flagships, demo locations or just to get geographically closer to your customers this is where you need to shine.

With Raymeon Glow POS (point-of-sale) software you are connecting your registers to your other Raymeon products in the cloud. You will gain central maintenance of both products, prices and staff interfaces as well as a live insight into how each location is performing.

With Glow, you can also employ Raymeon’s loyalty system for your retail clients.

Connect your store locations to the cloud with Raymeon Glow.

Is Nexus suited for my business?

Uanset om virksomheden er ny eller erfaren, er det afgørende at forstå sine kunder, at blive klar i sine målsætninger, og etablere metoder og IT-løsningerne der gør det hele muligt.

Forudsætningen for en god strategi er analyse og forståelse. Måske er Raymeon og din virksomhed et godt match, og den enkleste måde at finde ud af det er at tale sammen.

Latest blog entries

In our blog you can read about subjects we find interesting and that we think are relevant for coming as well as existing customers.

Giver dit online produktkatalog mening for dine kunder?></a></div><div class=

Giver dit online produktkatalog mening for dine kunder?

Vi tager hul på serien om at skabe et stærkt produktkatalog ved at tale om faren for at blive for indforstået i sin kommunikation mod markedet. Vi ser på nogle eksempler.

En dansk artikel om AI - er det farligt?></a></div><div class=

En dansk artikel om AI - er det farligt?

I denne artikel guider Lasse Hjorth Madsen, datanørd og skribent på Zetland, dig gennem AI-junglen, og hvorfor det måske ikke er helt så farligt som nogen blæser det op til.

Nyhedsmails - kommunikerer din virksomhed nok?></a></div><div class=

Nyhedsmails - kommunikerer din virksomhed nok?

Hvor mange nyhedsmails har du afsendt til nogen af eller alle dine kunder de sidste 3 måneder? Hvis din virksomhed er som de fleste så er svaret nul.

Three products - one unified sales platform for all your channels

With Nexus as the central building block you can create a complete IT solution to support online sales to businesses, private consumers and in stores and showrooms

Nexus - administration and B2B></a></div><div class=

Nexus - administration and B2B

Nexus is a cloud solution for business administration, providing you with just one system, free of complex and fragile synchronizations.

Orbit - dedicated B2C e-commerce></a></div><div class=

Orbit - dedicated B2C e-commerce

With Raymeon Orbit you are meeting the expectations of private consumers in what e-commerce should be: simple, rich product presentations and quick and easy trading.

Glow - live POS for your stores></a></div><div class=

Glow - live POS for your stores

Glow is your cloud-connected POS-solution which provides live insight into your stores. With central maintenance, loyalty system and touch operation you are at the peak.