Reporting and insights

The built-in reports in Nexus provides vital insight into your company. Which products are selling, and to whom? On what are you making a profit? What can you expect to sell in the coming time? What doesn't sell? Which customers should you have heard from by now? These are just some of the questions that Nexus can provide powerful answers to.

If you have sales staff employed with Nexus you can consider to offer a bonus agreement. It is easy to define different contracts which can be quite sofisticated. Both you and your sales staff can track the progress but of course not see eachtother's bonus.

If you are running both B2B and B2C salesyou will daily guide your focus towards Nexus and Orbit, respectively. Nexus further offers to collect all your business data across B2B, B2C online and B2C stores so that you can your overview of all your activitities in just one report.